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Financial Services Company embraces digital channels

Financial Services Company
Embracing digital channels to deliver superior customer experiences and identify which initiatives provide the best ROI.
17 April 24
Resource Hub
Financial Services Company embraces digital channels
Embracing digital channels to deliver superior customer experiences and identify which initiatives provide the best ROI.
17 April 24
Capsifi Products:
A financial services company based in Australia and New Zealand generating $1B in revenue annually. The company has been in business for over 150 years, has more than $90B in assets under management, and employs more than 6,000 people worldwide.
To embrace digital channels and thereby provide the experience demanded by modern, savvy customers.
Modernizing the technology that supports the organization’s capabilities, people, processes, and information; Planning transformation initiatives and aligning them to the overall business strategy.
Capsifi Products:
With the help of the Capsifi team, our customer modelled and cross-referenced enterprise content to provide both enterprise and departmental views of their single operating model.
Business capabilities were assessed to gain an understanding of where poorly performing capabilities would impact the organization’s ability to achieve strategic objectives. Transition plans and initiatives were established to uplift these strategically important capabilities. They were maintained and tracked within Capsifi and aligned to the capabilities and operating model elements being uplifted and impacted.
By digitizing and aligning the capabilities, strategy, and initiatives our customer is now able to identify (quickly and easily) which initiative would provide the best alignment to strategy and return on investment. They can continuously assess and monitor investment through the transformation to ensure effort and resources are dedicated to achieving the most customer value. By continually keeping the content in Capsifi aligned to the current state of the business, the organization can evaluate and initiate any subsequent transformation reusing the extended discovery exercise.
Configurable visual cues for tracking diverse, user-defined business assessments at a glance, such as performance, maturity, and risk.
Visually analyze an inside-out perspective on the stages in the flow of business transactions to align resources, skills, technology.